Books by Ahmadou Kourouma (5)


Allah is not obliged by Ahmadou Kourouma EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Ivory Coast flag Ivory Coast
ALLAH IS NOT OBLIGED TO BE FAIR ABOUT ALL THE THINGS HE DOES HERE ON EARTH.These are the words of the boy soldier Birahima in the final masterpiece by one of Africa’s most celebrated writers, Ahmadou Kourouma. When ten-year-old Birahima's mother dies, he leaves his native village in the Ivory Coast, accompanied by the sorcerer and cook Yacouba, to search for his aunt Mahan. Crossing the border into Liberia, they are seized by rebels and forced into military service. Birahima is given a Kalashnikov, minimal rations of food, a small supply of dope and a tiny wage. Fighting in a chaotic civil war... continue


Cuando uno rechaza dice no by Ahmadou Kourouma ES

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Ivory Coast flag Ivory Coast
En su novela póstuma, el mejor narrador del África subsahariana de su generación, del cual Alpha Decay publicó su primera novela en 2005 (se cierra así un círculo), retrata las guerras tribales y una compleja historia de amor que transcurre en la República de Costa de Marfil, «podrida hasta la médula», y en la costa occidental de África durante la época contemporánea. A medio camino entre la sátira política y la tragicomedia burlesca y con reminiscencias de la «novela de dictador» latinoamericana y de Tirano Banderas de Valle-Inclán pero en formato nouvelle, la novela quedó inconclusa, por lo ... continue


Les soleils des indépendances : roman by Ahmadou Kourouma FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Ivory Coast flag Ivory Coast
Depuis l'ère des Indépendances, la république de la Côte des Ébènes est en proie à de profonds vouleversements.


Waiting for the Wild Beasts to Vote by Ahmadou Kourouma EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Ivory Coast flag Ivory Coast
"Ahmadou Kourouma's remarkable novel is narrated by Bingo, a West African sora - storyteller and king's fool. Over the course of five nights he tells the life story of Koyaga, President and Dictator of the Gulf Coast. Orphaned at the age of seven, Koyaga grows up to be a terrible hunter; he fights mystical beasts, and is a shape-shifter, capable of changing himself into beasts and birds. He fights in the French colonial armies, in Vietnam and Algeria, but on his return he mounts a coup and becomes ruler and distator of the Gulf Coast. For thrity years he runs a corrupt but 'clean' state, survi... continue